What Will I do Without Such an Active Job?


Hello there everyone!

Long time, no post! I am back, though, and I ‘m hoping to reach more and more of you everyday! 

As many of you know, I recently lost my job. This economy has not bode my former employer well, and his business was struggling. He made the decision to let me go because of this. That was a hard thing for me to handle. I struggled with his decision, but I had to accept it. I also decided it was the push I must have needed in order to concentrate on my health and wellness passion. So, here I am, writing my first blog post in months. Just the start of what is to come!

But that got me thinking. At my previous job, I was constantly on my feet; constantly moving. I literally worked 8 hours standing and moving. That was important to me. I was very happy about the fact that my job was an active one. I never wanted to sit at a computer all day! I wanted to remain up and about!

What does that mean for me now? Sitting here, writing this post, working on my book, and searching out mentors, income sources, and other such things, I am worried about my activity. Clearly, I am not up and about all day. There may not be a lot of up and about throughout the weeks, too. I don’t have a standing desk or a treadmill desk. I’m not sure that would be an answer for me either. I mean, even with one of those, I would still be in front of a computer more than I have been in years. That’s not necessarily something I want for myself.

So what exactly will I do without such an active job? That’s what this post is really about! I’m not complaining or saying I don’t want to write, because I do. I just have to find ways to incorporate activity and breaks away from the computer into my new schedule. I can do that…and I have a plan for it! Wanna know what that is? I’ll share!

1. I plan on waking up early enough to eat a breakfast consisting of bacon and eggs.

2. I will then sit down and write, either on the blog or on my book.

3. I will search through all the information and other things I need to do until lunch.

4. At lunch, I will have a nice meal consisting of meat and veggies.

5. After lunch, I will go outside and play. I have some roller skates I haven’t busted out in a long time. I think I’ll break them out again! Maybe I’ll dance!

6. I will take a walk, or go out and pass out my resume and business cards by foot.

7. Before dinner, I will do a good travel WOD or tabata workout (since I have had to cut back on costs, my CrossFit membership has to be suspended. I sure will miss those people for a bit).

8. I will come home and make a dinner of meat and veggies…if I have done a relatively intense workout, I will add in a sweet potato or some other starchy veggie.

9. After dinner, I will work more on my blog, the book, or whatever work I will be doing.

10. nearing bedtime, I will relax and prepare for bed.

11. I will sleep well and start it all over again the next day.

Reminding myself to just play and stay active is important to me now that I won’t be doing it for an employer. I think activity is important. It is part of a well-rounded lifestyle. I’m not going to let the change stop me from staying healthy, wealthy, and wise!

About alternefit

Rachel Flowers is an advocate for healthy living through education and lifestyle changes. She has a BA in psychology, an MA in teaching and education, an AAS in graphic design, and is pursuing her BS in health and wellness. Rachel is also working toward her FDN certification, a C.H.E.K. certification, and a CFN certification. In her quest to get herself and others around her healthy, Rachel has found that she can use her writing and technical abilities to spread the word regarding whole health and wellness, truths versus fallacies in health, paradigms that should be changed, and history and biochemistry that might help many others become healthier. Those around Rachel have encouraged her to pursue her passions in health and wellness. Throughout the process of creating her own health information and assistance business and blog, Rachel has also been encouraged by the community members. Check her out at her website! http://alternefit.com
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5 Responses to What Will I do Without Such an Active Job?

  1. Good for you, hun! Sounds like a good plan!

  2. Melissa says:

    Sounds like a very solid plan 🙂 All the best to you! I don’t know you, but suspect this will be one of those situations where, even though you initially struggled, freeing up your energy will lead to the opening of many doors and onto an even better path in life 🙂

  3. Not sure if you have an iPhone or Android phone, but both are pretty good now at transcribing your words. You could use them to be out and about and capturing photos, bits of ideas, etc. Etc.

    Also, I’m a computer programmer and like to game on my PC. Getting a standup workstation was essential to me. I need to work on a treadmill workstation next.

    You’ll find your rhythm and what works for you.

    Keep at it!

    • alternefit says:

      Thanks Cody. I was actually thinking about making a standing workstation…it would be pretty easily done. I think the transcribing idea is brilliant! I will totally incorporate that!

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